Tasha's New Car- Finding Joy & Freedom On Wheels

My phone rings and it’s Tasha; she’s so excited I can barely make out

what she’s saying. “I bought a car!,” she says through laughter and tears.

“Now, I can go wherever I want to go. I don’t have to walk, or ask for

a ride, or call a cab or take a bus. I bought a car!!”

Getting a driver’s license and first car is a right-of-passage for most of us.

Yet, in our neighborhood this experience can be fraught with difficulty, confusion and disappointment. Costs for driver’s ed training can be

prohibitive and unless you know someone willing to lend their car,

qualifying for a license is nearly impossible. So, for most in our community, reliable, convenient and affordable transportation is a very big deal.

That’s why GUM helps our neighbors learn to drive and get their licenses.

And, why we all pitched-in to help Tasha with hers.

“It’s been a crazy journey and I had help along the way

from the awesome people at GUM."

“It’s been a crazy journey,” says Tasha, “and I had help along the way

from the awesome people at GUM. Y’all helped me get my license,

taught me how to save my money and look for the right car. I used

my savings and stimulus check, so there’s no payments and the car’s

all mine. Now, I can go to the store when I want to and bring my

kids to school. I can wave at Mason (GUM’s Volunteer Director)

from my car. I’m free!”

“I’m super proud of me,” Tasha says. “My kids and I have what

we need for a good life. Right now, life is good!

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