Finding the Superhero Within- GUM hosts spring break camp

Looking out my office window, I see 32 children playing in the field

across the street. It’s Spring Break at Galveston Urban Ministries and

our kids are enjoying a week-long Day Camp. I watch as they run

through an obstacle course while our staff and 10 UTMB

Occupational Therapy students cheer them on.

GUM’s longstanding partnership with the OT program greatly

benefits our children. This week, the focus is on helping kids identify

and express their feelings in positive ways. “We’re teaching kids to

think logically rather than emotionally,” says OT student Jesse Jaynes.

“When they’re thinking logically, they can really focus and make good

decisions. Developing emotional regulation skills is a huge factor for

healthy living and successful lives.”

"We can all be superheroes when we focus on strengths like

being kind, creative, hardworking or good listeners."

Through physical games and creative activities, kids practice

conflict resolution, learn communication skills, talk about their

emotions and discover their innate superpowers. "Superpowers

are synonymous with our strengths," says Jesse. "Kids are learning

that we can all be superheroes when we focus on strengths like

being kind, creative, hardworking or good listeners."

Several children approach Jesse as we're talking and it's obvious

she's an important part of their lives. "Whenever I'm at GUM, I'm able

to apply what we're learning in school. And, I know we’re making a

difference to the kids. We're building relationships and being a

consistent presence in their lives.”

Children become superheroes because of you.

Thank you for believing in GUM.

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